Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

Moulana College of pharmacy offers a full-time PharmD program at the doctoral level. Pharm. D or Doctor of Pharmacy is a six-year professional degree that is approved by the Pharmacy Council of India and affiliated to University of KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences). The course will include five years of clinical and community-based theory with ward rounds and one year internship in hospitals. We have multi-speciality hospital with clinical environment provides an exemplary training ground for practice based pharmacy education. The course entails study in a wide range of subjects that include foundational/core biomedical as well as pharmacy subjects in the initial years. Advanced topics in pharmacy practice and research are introduced in the later years of the program.


Candidates From Kerala

Applicant should pass Higher Secondary Examination of the Government of Kerala or any other course approved as equivalent thereto with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects and Biology/Mathematics/Biotechnology/Computer Science as optional subjects and should have obtained a minimum of 50% marks for the optional subjects and 50% marks aggregate for all the 3 subjects put together

Candidates from Other States

Those who have passed their qualifying examination from outside Kerala have to produce the certificate of recognition and equivalency of qualifying examination from any one of the universities in Kerala, at the time of admission

Age: 17 years and above on 31st December of the year of admission



A candidate is required to put-in at least 80% of attendance in theory and practical separately in each and every subject, failing which He/she will be detained from attempting the University Exams.

Scheme of examination

There will be one main examinations and one supplementary examination six months apart in each year. A student shall not be declared to have passed examination unless he or she secures at least 50% marks in each of the subjects separately in the university theory examinations, practical examinations and 50% marks in each of the theory and internal assessment taken together and 50% in practical examinations including internal assessment marks.

Practical Training

Hospital Posting

Every student shall be posted in constituent hospital for a period of not less than fifty hours to be covered in not less than 200 working days in each of second, third & fourth year course. In the fifth year, every student shall spend half a day in the morning hours attending ward rounds on daily basis as a part of clerkship.

Project Work

To allow the student to develop data collection and reporting skills in the area of community, hospital and clinical pharmacy, a project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a teacher. The project topic must be approved by the Head of the Department or Head of the Institution. Project work shall be presented in a written report and as a seminar at the end of the year. External and the internal examiners shall do the assessment of the project work.


Every student must complete a one year mandatory internship period as per Appendix-A regulations put forth by KUHS.
Internship is a phase of training where a student is expected to conduct actual practice of pharmacy and health care and acquires skills under supervision so that he or she may become capable of functioning independently.
A student shall be permitted to start the internship only after having passed in theory and practical of all subjects of all previous years. Every student has to undergo one-year internship as per PCI regulations.
Moulana College of Pharmacy is attached to Moulana Hospital. Moulana Hospital is a state of the art Multi Speciality hospital, and Pharm D programmes of Moulana College of Pharmacy uses the facilities for clinical rounds.
Moulana College of Pharmacy also operates Drug Information Centre in the hospital premises and has a memorandum of understanding for knowledge sharing with the institution.

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